Sunday, June 3, 2012

In an Unprecedented Move of Epic Proportions…

Eight authors, including little old me, have come together to offer one (each) of their books free in an event we’re calling Reads4Free.  Just for two days – Monday, the 4th and Tuesday, the 5th.

Now for those of you who just want to get to the link – here you go:  Reads4Free! Be aware, the books won’t be free until the wee hours of Monday morning.

But for inquiring minds, here’s a bit of background on this historic undertaking. The brain child of Mr. Derek Blass, author of Allegiance (which he offers these two days), Reads4Free began to take shape over a month ago. That’s right! This is no fly-by-night, willy-nilly sort of thing. Oh, no. We, the eight authors, bantered and planned for weeks on end to get this just right. 

And we’ve been in training! That’s right. There have been planning injuries – brain freezes, incomplete thoughts, bruised fingertips – well, actually, those are all my injuries (incurred while deciding to give away my sequel Red is an Attitude for the first time). I can’t speak for the rest of the group, but trust me – it’s been brutal. 

All in the name of bringing you a collection of must-have eBooks! Elsie Stokes is giving away Cassidy Jones and Vulcan’s Gift, joined by R.S. Guthrie’s offer of his debut novel, The Black Beast. And as if that wasn’t enough here are the other four books:  The Ninth District by Doug Dorow; Sundered by Shannon Myers; Iona Portal by Robert David MacNeil and last, but certainly not least, A Hint of Murder by Lia Fairchild. 

Is this your lucky day, or what?!


  1. She's not kidding about brain freeze (and this had NOTHING to do with Slurpies...okay, ONCE). Seriously, you've got a group of dang good books to choose from---grab them all! Free is FREE! :)

    1. LOL - don't tell anyone but brain freezes are a regular thing with me.

  2. What a gathering!!! Good luck to you all.

    1. Thanks Bert! Looking forward to it. I'm primed and ready for action and it's only the 3rd!

  3. Love it! Can't wait till tomorrow. :-) I already have Red is an Attitude, so I will have to get the rest. :-) good luck to everyone.

    1. Melissa - If anyone deserved a free copy it was you! But pick up the rest! They are good books.

  4. Great authors. Great books. Free. It all boils down to a winning combination.

  5. Caleb - It has been fun planning and today's the kickoff - we're rocking and rolling - together. It doesn't get better than that!

  6. What a great idea. And a great thing for readers!

    1. Hey Dannie - it has really been a blast - a lot of work, but way fun. But after two days of this, I have tushie paralysis - not a pretty thing. LOL
