Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog & Tweet

I’ll make this short and sweet. I’m no expert on blogging or tweeting, but I have had some success in building a following in a short period of time. Many of my Twitter pals have asked about how I did it. I sat down a couple of months ago and wrote a few notes about that and then it sat on my computer…

Last weekend, I revisited those notes and thought, “Hmmm, I think this might be a handbook.” And sure enough, it was.

So, I sat down and wrote out what I’ve been doing. I’m absolutely sure the result is only my way of doing it and that there are many others, but I’m also sure there are some pretty good ideas in the resulting booklet “Blog & Tweet – How to Make a Splash Online.”

If you know anyone who is struggling to get their follower numbers up there, you might suggest it to them. I’m really hoping this will level the playing field for newbies and others who could use a few tips.



  1. I'm new to blogging. I really appreciate your willingness to share such helpful information. I downloaded "Blog and Tweet: How to Make a Splash Online" and I am looking forward to making good use of it. Thanks.

  2. I'm so glad you decided to give it a try. I'm sure this is going to save you time and heartache learning the hard way. Thanks for purchasing it!

  3. Wow! You are incredible or should I say fabulous. I will be checking your blog regularly and I'm very happy to be following you on twitter.

  4. Hi, Pam! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the comment! So happy to have you!

  5. I have got to get this book Kathy. I think I NEED it.:) As soon as I refill my book budget I'll grab it. I have a blog "under construction" and it is a tangled web.
    laurathomas61 following on your bolg and twitter!

  6. Thanks Laura! If you're just starting out, I absolutely know it will help. I even see some of the people I started out with still struggling for the followers and know it would help them as well.

  7. Just bought your book. Hope to learn from you!

  8. Hi, Shirley - thanks for the purchase and I hope you find it very useful. I think you will. I'm really enjoying the feedback I've been getting. Best of luck to you in your writing!
