Friday, February 3, 2012

Versatile? Who me? No, you!

I've been nominated by the fabulous Kelley, of @Call_Me_Bookish fame for the Versatile Blogger award. Thank you, thank you. Can you see me taking my bow? Pretend you didn't see me bend over too far and fall on my head.

So, I guess I'm suppose to tell you 7 - count them - 7 things about myself and they are supposed to be true. Well, doesn't that requirement just blow the whole thing for a writer? Here goes and I'll try to keep the dramatization down to a minimum.

1 - A poem I wrote when I was eleven was published 25 years later in a magazine. Really. That's a very, very long time to wait for a $15 check!
2 - I always have a writing "uniform," which often lasts until it it just too tattered to wear. When I write - it isn't pretty!
3 - I have two big crushes on two men who with big hair who aren't even alive anymore - Mark Twain and Albert Einstein. If these two were still alive I'd be chasing them around.
4 - You can find me in a store perusing the funny greeting cards when I get sad. I don't stay sad long.
5 - Even though I often tweet or blog about Bloody Marys, I rarely drink. I still love the taste, but turned into a lightweight a few years ago.
6 - I watch Steel Magnolias when I need a good cry.
7 - I watch Independence Day or First Wives Club when I want to move myself to action - then I do whatever it is while listening to Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive.

Phew! That was tough! Now, I'm putting the spotlight back where it belongs on these wonderful bloggers:

My favorite blogger is Dannie C. Hill - Dannie writes these amazing posts about Thailand. It's like having your own personal National Geographic reporter out there. And the posts are always very personal and meaningful

I love Miss Kelley Lane - Call Me Bookish - She's a terrific blogger who shares her worldview on tweeting and other social media stuff. She's funny and terribly bright.

If you're looking for a good book to read - try Kate's Reads - she's a positive reviewer who gives you a reason to read the books she suggests.

Nicole Pyles - gives everyone an upbeat look at the world with her blog - The World of My Imagination

For a taste of life that is always colored by honor - this is the guy - Bert Carson

I just discovered Emma Calin - a Brit with a great sense of humor! She also very kind.

Jo VonBargen is a prolific poet/blogger. I'm affected by each one I read.

Rob(R.S.)Guthrie - His blog is truly about all things writing - Rob on Writing

Mari Stroud has a funny, wonderful blog - Make Pretty Words Hard.


  1. You are such a doll, my friend! Thanks so much!!

  2. Thank you, Kathy. The pressure is on. Now I have to think of seven things people might want to know about me. This want be easy. But thank you for the award-- I think it's my first-- except fot that one time in college... and I don't think that
